So, who is Ojo Loco?

My name is Juan Carlos, I'm from Bolivia but have been living in the UK for longer than I can remember.
When I'm not designing websites (in my spare time) I spend my time working for an IT company and a Housing Association. Both jobs keep me busy but still give me the flexibility to pursue other interests such as this one.
Why 'donationware' (is that even a proper word)? I realised I have a skill that could help other people. Whilst I don't intend to make a profit from it I thought why not use this skill to help a worthy cause also.
So what is Ojo Loco? It means mad eye in Spanish. Why? Er... that's a long story!
When I'm not designing websites (in my spare time) I spend my time working for an IT company and a Housing Association. Both jobs keep me busy but still give me the flexibility to pursue other interests such as this one.
Why 'donationware' (is that even a proper word)? I realised I have a skill that could help other people. Whilst I don't intend to make a profit from it I thought why not use this skill to help a worthy cause also.
So what is Ojo Loco? It means mad eye in Spanish. Why? Er... that's a long story!